Maxime Rastello

Tag Archives: azure active directory

Cannot access to Teams Admin Center because of Administrative Unit Role Assignment

For quite some time now, I was unable to access the Teams Admin Center at My account was the only one impacted as other admins could connect just fine. There are issues loading the site.We can’t get to the Teams Admin Center right now. Something went wrong. After reviewing the role assignments on […]

Avoid certificate prompt for Azure Active Directory Certificate-Based Authentication (CBA)

Azure Active Directory Certificate-Based Authentication (Azure AD CBA) allows you to authenticate to Azure Active Directory using a certificate from your internal Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). To know how to implement Azure Active Directory CBA, please refer to the Microsoft doc. Certificate authentication will happen on the URL By default, your web browser will […]

Manually re-enroll a Hybrid Azure AD Join Windows 10 / Windows 11 device to Microsoft Intune without loosing the current configuration

Edit 01/06/2022 : updating this article to include Azure Virtual Desktop Windows 10 / Windows 11 multi-session enrollment command using Device Credential ——– There are several ways to enroll a Windows 10 PC to Microsoft Intune: Manually Manual enrollment will require that the user enters his Azure AD credentials. Automatically Automatic enrollment can be triggered […]

aOS Luxembourg – Sécurisez vos services Office 365 avec la suite EMS (04/12/2017)

Retrouvez-moi le lundi 4 décembre prochain chez Microsoft Luxembourg pour notre prochain aOS ! J’évoquerai dans une session dédiée les méthodes de sécurisation de vos services Office 365 grâce à la suite Enterprise Mobility + Security (EMS). Nous aborderons notamment : Le Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) L’accès conditionnel avec Azure Active Directory Le Shadow IT et […]

Microsoft Expériences 2017 – Offre de service Office 365 : quelles stratégies de sécurité ?

Vous trouverez sur SlideShare la présentation de ma session des Microsoft Expériences 2017. Merci à tous pour votre présence pendant ces deux jours intenses de sessions et d’échanges. Description Dans un contexte de cyber-attaques et de régulation GDPR, il est désormais indispensable de sécuriser ses données d’entreprise. Cette session permettra aux administrateurs IT de découvrir […]